Pak US relations present a history of ambivalent happenings with a blend of distinct episodes of planned betrayal, treacherous infidelity and foul exploitation to entrap Pakistan into the rhetorical lure of conceding a Non NATO alley, or granting the status of strategic partnership, partially meeting Pakistan’s economic requirements and security compulsions. When US needed Pakistan her policy makers rushed to Islamabad with all the psychological warmth, political affection and diplomatic tenderness. No time was wasted by US in declaring Pakistan as the most favored nation fully espousing and supporting Pakistan’s principled stance on human rights, freedom of expression and rights of self determination. This was openly repeated in US official commitments and private interactions. Simply speaking Pakistan remained a US sweet heart so long as it appeared relevant to serve US interests. On the other hand Pakistani political leaders and key communicators have been complaining that USA has a history of frequently abandoning Pakistan especially when the stakes for Pakistan were very high. Some analysts still forewarn that as Pakistan’s key coalition partner US will ruthlessly guard her interests in Afghanistan South Asian region but will ultimately desert Pakistan once her goals have been achieved.
In 1947 the then leadership of a newly founded sovereign state of Pakistan found the US allure attractive enough to pin hopes in USA to meet Pakistan’s immediate security needs and economic necessities. America skillfully used Pakistan as a military bastion against Soviets which led to shooting down of U-2 spy aircraft with a stern warning to Pakistan that its major cities especially Peshawar have been registered as targets of Soviet nuclear missiles. Later on Pakistan not only openly averted Russia but became a front line state to help US efforts to eject Soviet army from Afghanistan in 1980s. In her sincere efforts to cooperate with US efforts in Afghanistan, Pakistan quickly forgot and forgave US for its elusive game plan of 1971 when Indian Army invaded Pakistan’s eastern wing and disintegrated Pakistan by creating Bangladesh. American account of betrayal was proven beyond any doubt. The seeds of mistrust and suspicion were sowed in Pakistan.
When Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan in 1985, the secret myth of Muslim Jihad in Afghanistan was also uncovered and Muslims saw through the US scheme in which Pakistan and the Muslim world was used as a fodder of US war against Russia, under the cover name of Islamic Jihad. Today, it would not be incorrect to construe that Islamic Jihad against Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was a naked fraud against Muslim Ummah. The American goal was to defeat Russia and eliminate its super power status. No sooner this aim was achieved, America once again abandoned Pakistan, Afghanistan and the Muslim world who had actually sustained the brunt of Soviet invasion in Afghanistan.
After 9/11 US hyper sensitivity and arrogance of power blurred American policy makers’ strategic vision as they decided to invade and occupy Afghanistan with full military force. Quick and almost effortless elimination of Taliban regime in Afghanistan created vague sense of victory in American political and military leadership. They once again lost sight of their real aim in Afghanistan and shifted main chunk of their forces to Iraq thereby dissipating their resources to unmanageable altitude. US depended upon Northern Alliance and empowered the old warlords of Afghan Jihad era, investing with huge amounts of money and weapons. Pushtoon majority was neglected as against the suggestions made by Pakistan. Similarly India was encouraged to intervene in Afghanistan through their links with Northern Alliance including the warlords. India established diplomatic missions in Afghanistan especially in Pushtoon majority region with the latent design to settle scores with Pushtoons who supported and participated in Kashmir freedom movement. Hence Indian influence in Afghanistan grew as a strategic distraction for US efforts to maintain order and eliminate the threat of insurgency. Once the chips were down and US tactical commanders could not mark their signatures in Afghan imbroglio, US media and intelligence operative in connivance with Indian spin masters decided to shift responsibility over to Pakistan for playing the double game against USA and allegedly supporting the militants in Afghanistan. US and Pakistan were therefore on divergent cognitive planes. Indian plotting and jealous competition against Pakistan led them to plan schemes to implicate Pakistan in different violent acts of terrorism to prove to the US that Indians were more loyal to them. Objective analysis of ground realities if analyzed objective would prove that India is not sincere to both USA and Pakistan. They are using Afghan territory to destabilize Pakistan and harm its interests in the region. Presently their aim is to encourage an anti Pakistan government in Afghanistan once the USA withdraws from that country. They are plotting schemes to implicate Pakistan in terrorist activities in Afghanistan prior to holding of Loya Jirga. The aim is to create anti Pakistan public opinion in Afghanistan. USA must develop strategic vision to see through the Indian design and guard against their activities in Afghanistan otherwise their efforts to create conditions for re-integration and re-conciliation may fall short of their objectives.
In 1947 the then leadership of a newly founded sovereign state of Pakistan found the US allure attractive enough to pin hopes in USA to meet Pakistan’s immediate security needs and economic necessities. America skillfully used Pakistan as a military bastion against Soviets which led to shooting down of U-2 spy aircraft with a stern warning to Pakistan that its major cities especially Peshawar have been registered as targets of Soviet nuclear missiles. Later on Pakistan not only openly averted Russia but became a front line state to help US efforts to eject Soviet army from Afghanistan in 1980s. In her sincere efforts to cooperate with US efforts in Afghanistan, Pakistan quickly forgot and forgave US for its elusive game plan of 1971 when Indian Army invaded Pakistan’s eastern wing and disintegrated Pakistan by creating Bangladesh. American account of betrayal was proven beyond any doubt. The seeds of mistrust and suspicion were sowed in Pakistan.
When Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan in 1985, the secret myth of Muslim Jihad in Afghanistan was also uncovered and Muslims saw through the US scheme in which Pakistan and the Muslim world was used as a fodder of US war against Russia, under the cover name of Islamic Jihad. Today, it would not be incorrect to construe that Islamic Jihad against Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was a naked fraud against Muslim Ummah. The American goal was to defeat Russia and eliminate its super power status. No sooner this aim was achieved, America once again abandoned Pakistan, Afghanistan and the Muslim world who had actually sustained the brunt of Soviet invasion in Afghanistan.
After 9/11 US hyper sensitivity and arrogance of power blurred American policy makers’ strategic vision as they decided to invade and occupy Afghanistan with full military force. Quick and almost effortless elimination of Taliban regime in Afghanistan created vague sense of victory in American political and military leadership. They once again lost sight of their real aim in Afghanistan and shifted main chunk of their forces to Iraq thereby dissipating their resources to unmanageable altitude. US depended upon Northern Alliance and empowered the old warlords of Afghan Jihad era, investing with huge amounts of money and weapons. Pushtoon majority was neglected as against the suggestions made by Pakistan. Similarly India was encouraged to intervene in Afghanistan through their links with Northern Alliance including the warlords. India established diplomatic missions in Afghanistan especially in Pushtoon majority region with the latent design to settle scores with Pushtoons who supported and participated in Kashmir freedom movement. Hence Indian influence in Afghanistan grew as a strategic distraction for US efforts to maintain order and eliminate the threat of insurgency. Once the chips were down and US tactical commanders could not mark their signatures in Afghan imbroglio, US media and intelligence operative in connivance with Indian spin masters decided to shift responsibility over to Pakistan for playing the double game against USA and allegedly supporting the militants in Afghanistan. US and Pakistan were therefore on divergent cognitive planes. Indian plotting and jealous competition against Pakistan led them to plan schemes to implicate Pakistan in different violent acts of terrorism to prove to the US that Indians were more loyal to them. Objective analysis of ground realities if analyzed objective would prove that India is not sincere to both USA and Pakistan. They are using Afghan territory to destabilize Pakistan and harm its interests in the region. Presently their aim is to encourage an anti Pakistan government in Afghanistan once the USA withdraws from that country. They are plotting schemes to implicate Pakistan in terrorist activities in Afghanistan prior to holding of Loya Jirga. The aim is to create anti Pakistan public opinion in Afghanistan. USA must develop strategic vision to see through the Indian design and guard against their activities in Afghanistan otherwise their efforts to create conditions for re-integration and re-conciliation may fall short of their objectives.
کوئی تبصرے نہیں:
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