The terrorist Lashkar-e-Jhangvi group was in fact created, according to
the BBC, to counter Iran's Islamic Revolution in the 1980's, and is
still active today. Considering the openly admitted US-Israeli-Saudi
plot to use Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups across the Middle East
to counter Iran's influence, it begs the question whether these same
interests are funding terrorism in Pakistan to not only counter
Iranian-sympathetic Pakistani communities, but to undermine and
destabilize Pakistan itself.
Pakistan may be facing the most decisive moment of its survival. The
persecution and killing of Muslims by other Muslims on supposed
religious grounds has reached horrifying levels. Terrorist and sectarian
violence, targeting both the powerful and the powerless, spearheaded by
groups such as the Tehrik–e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and the
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), has created havoc. Both groups are part of an
even larger network that includes the Islamist sectarian militias in the
country, hard-line activists in Pakistan’s mainstream Islamist
political parties and organisations, and sympathisers in government
institutions and across social classes. Sufi Islam has given way to
Wahabi bigotry as the country has become increasingly intolerant and
de-secularised, allowing obscurantism to prosper.
The culture of militancy in Pakistan largely stems from the extreme
hard-line Islamic ideologies practised in Pakistan for decades, with
full acceptance and participation of Pakistani civil society in general.
Extremism has been boosted by the ever-present religious hysteria
nurtured by the largely Punjabi feudal-military-bureaucratic oligarchy,
from the country’s very inception. Punjab ‘the sword arm of Pakistan’
and ‘the bastion of Pakistan ideology’ (Stephen Cohen) has become the
epicenter of regional extremism. Pakistan’s present state is a warning
and example for any nation that fails in the separation of religion and
state. Throw intolerant Islam into the mix, and you have a sociological
challenge: illiterate masses, like putty in the hands of mullahs, being
used by a military to justify its primacy.
For Islamists or fundamentalists, the failures and shortcomings that
afflict the Pakistani state and society is due to imported secular
notions and practices. They regularly trumpet that Pakistan has fallen
away from the authentic Islam and thus lost its direction. Their aim is
to create a uniquely repressive society where regular citizens have few
rights, speech and thoughts is restricted by both government and the
Sunni Deobandi religious order, and repression against women. The views
of the few modernists or reformers in society, who see the inflexibility
and ubiquity of the Islamic clergy, as the main cause of the country’s
backwardness, are easily drowned out.
What has also not helped is the country’s dismal record in three main
areas: military, economic, and political, which has been, to say the
least, disappointing. The quest for victory by the military has brought a
series of humiliating defeats. The quest for prosperity through
development brought in an impoverished and corrupt economy in recurring
need of external aid. For the mostly oppressive but ineffectual
governments and dictatorships that have ruled Pakistan, finding targets
to blame serves a useful, indeed an essential, purpose, to explain the
poverty that they have failed to alleviate and to justify the tyranny
that they have introduced. They have chosen to deflect the mounting
anger of the unhappy populace toward other, outside targets such as the
country being a victim of the regional-global power politics since its
If Pakistan continues on its present suicidal path, there will be no
escape from a downward spiral of hate and spite, rage and self-pity,
poverty and oppression, culminating sooner or later in the country’s
disintegration. But even today, despite the murder and mayhem, not all
in Pakistan seem convinced that confronting the jihadist movement is an
urgent need for Pakistan’s survival as a democratic country. For some
hard-line nationalists, and even some progressives defying the US
imperialist agenda in the region takes precedence, and the external
pressure to defeat the Islamists is to be resisted. Among the more
pragmatic, the view is that Pakistan should accommodate the world, but
without directly confronting the jihadist groups. It seems as if society
is fine being permanently hijacked by forces of obscurantism.
It will be very difficult if not impossible to reverse the national
downslide that Pakistan seems to have chosen for itself. To truly
confront the extremist threat, the first challenge is for Pakistanis to
agree that they want to live in a modern, democratic and plural society.
To achieve this goal, the jihadi movement will have to be faced and
overcome, by overwhelming force if necessary. It will also require a
carefully planned and methodically executed programme of reform aimed at
removing the root causes of the proliferation of violence in society,
and improvement in the investigative, preventive, and prosecution
capabilities of security and intelligence agencies, and the
administration of justice.
In addition, the state will have to re-tool its policies towards
representing all the people who live in the country, and, not identify
itself with any particular section of the population. Finally, the
democratic political process has acted as a bulwark against the spread
of militant fundamentalism among the populace, despite their increasing
alienation from state system. The populace must be encouraged to
articulate their demands through the major mainstream political parties.
Put simply, to effectively meet the Islamist challenge, the Pakistani
state and society must finally accept and fully exercise its
responsibility to maintain peace, provide justice, foster democracy and
participation, and make available in an equitable manner the resources
necessary for economic and social development. Pakistan’s neighbours and
the world will need to help.
By Saad Hafiz
The writer can be reached at
Daily Times
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