A leading international rights group has accused the authorities in Myanmar including senior Buddhist monks of bolstering a campaign of ethnic cleansing against the country’s Muslim minority. Human rights watch described a series of attacks, in which hundreds of people were killed and over 120.000 people were forced from their homes.
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The world is silent, the UN is silent, the OIC is mum and the Muslim
Capitals speak out nothing, demonstrating full apathy on the carnage of
Muslim minority going on in the Bhuddist majority country of Myanmar,
previously called as Burma. Historically the Muslim majority province
Arakan of that country was a Muslim kingship which was forcefully
annexed to Burma after attacking it in 1784.
The police and the armed forces of the country are silent spectators of this dreadful arson and bloody carnage of thousands of hapless minority Muslims. The province of Arakan is the centre of this bloody game where the unmatched crimes of blood bathing is going on before the very eyes of the military rulers.
It seems that there is no government writ there and every one is free in killing and even burning alive the Muslims who are at the mercy of the killers.
The Muslims are not allowed to get education there and even they cannot marry at their own free will but with going through a very trying procedure of enquiry by the government agencies. The life, honor and property of the Muslims are at stake and they find themselves forced to adopt Bhuddist names in order to conceal their identity as Muslims.
What has happened to the so-called media channels which never hesitate to make resounding hue and cry if some thing happens to a non-Muslim anywhere in the world. Why do they remain mum on the cruelties going on against the Burmese Muslims? The Muslims rulers and heads of the states including Pakistan are silent and even the Islamic movements in various Muslim countries, with few exceptions, have not made serious protests before their rulers to divert their attention to the criminalities done against their brethren in Myanmar. Why the big turbaned Mullahs so deeply entrenched in the election campaign, striving for alliances with their secular counterparts, do not find a few moments to speak on the issue of the Muslims, bleeding in Myanmar? Well the media and the human right activists ever pay their attention to utter a few words about the bloodiest criminalities going on in that country at the hands of the Bhuddists whose spiritual grand-grand father, the Great Mahatama Bhudda could not tolerate even the scene of a dying dog and left for ‘BanBas’ in the grooves and the jungle. Why the Bhuddist majority are committing these atrocities in clear defiance and violation of the teachings of the Mahatama is not understandable.
The only reason is that there is no Muslim Power in shape of Khilafat on the earth to response to the cries of the Muslims in Myanmar and elsewhere in the world as it had happened in Deebal (Karachi) on the cry of a single Muslim woman maltreated at the hands of some criminals. History does not forget the coming over of Muhammad Bin Qasim, a young General of 17 in response to the call of that poor lady.
Thank You For Reading
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