The standing military of the United States most ardent ally, Israel has killed 9 peaceful humanitarian workers in international waters on ships carrying aid to starving gentiles in Ghaza. It was all done in the name of God as the Israeli soldiers storming the ships prayed to God for the success of their mission to stop food reaching the hungry people under the blessings of their priests. Pro-Israeli organizations in America and all over the world are silent, the same way as Christians were silent when Jews were massacred by Hitler’s mainly Christian soldiers in Germany. Those who claim to champion the cause of justice among the Israelis are justifying the killing and the strongest ally of the Jewish state is still studying the situation. What a shame.
What was done is inhumane and among the ugliest form of terrorism. It is terrorism sponsored by the state. No ifs and no buts. But some refuse to see this as inhumane. Probably it is because a gentile has no value in the eyes of those who claim that God has given them all the wisdom to decide and determine the status of everyone else.
The so called holy land, today, offers the most unholy scene. Everything, the divine guidance inspires humans to accomplish is violated. Peace, human dignity, human life has no meaning. What is even more ironic is that the conflict is among people who claim that they have the most comprehensive divine guidance for justice, peace and love.
Only a sick mind can see the other human suffer. For almost 60 years, a people have been kicked out of their land and placed in holes not even fit for insects. At will they have been killed, humiliated and tormented. Only a sick mind will let the people die in hunger and face starvation. And only a sick mind will stop relief reaching the injured and wounded.
That sick mind, in our world, today is represented by those who claim to be the defenders of the Jewish state. Jews in America owe it to Americans to distance them from this thinking. Palestinians have the same human rights that Jews and Christians have and they have the same right to live in peace and security as the Israelis have.
In the last 60 years the Israelis have created a myth of insecurity to their existence. They have always argued that their tiny state is surrounded by Muslims who pose a constant threat to them. Well, in the 2,000 years of their existence, Jews have found them selves on the verge of annihilation either by Christian Romans or Christian Europe. Never, in their presence among Muslims, they ever felt that their religious existence was ever under threat. This myth is perpetuated by their sympathizers all over the world. In the US, their lobbies propagate lies and use all tactics including intimidation and coercion to influence the opinion of the so called people’s representatives.
Like all previous acts of barbarism and terror, this act too will be given a spin to save the image and to serve the interests of the Jewish state. It might be argued that members of al-Qaeda or Muslim extremist groups were on the ships carrying food. Israel can even concoct information to prosecute anyone on charges of espionage or terror. Israeli supporters in the media and Washington and other places of the world would gleefully accept those assertions and would blame the victim, a tactic that they have been using for the last six decades.
How should we respond to the situation, especially in the USA. Christians and Muslims are part of a number of interfaith dialogue groups. There are several groups that are dedicated to Jewish-Muslim relations. The Jewish leadership at every level should be asked to define its stand on this and other issues impacting human life in the occupied land. There is no point in a dialogue if one does not want to understand and recognize the humanity of the other.
There are several Jewish organizations and groups that are as sick and tired of the Israeli violent tactics as any other decent human being is. They deserve to be supported in their efforts to challenge the terrorists in Tel Aviv who have hijacked their religion and their culture and used their sufferings in the past to cause others suffer. Their voices should be joined by all those who really care for peace and justice. Fight against Israeli terror is a collective fight and everyone that stands for peace and justice is in it.
Dr. Aslam Abdullah
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