US watching China’s new status
China surpassed the US becoming the
world’s biggest trading nation last year as measured by the sum of
exports and imports of goods, official figures from both countries show,
Bloomberg reports. Earlier analysts expected that China would surpass
the US as the world’s biggest nation only in 2016. Now they forecast
that by 2016 China will become the world leader in terms of GDP.
In the contemporary uni-polar world, China has shown inordinate signs of
an emerging global power. Chinese renewed status, especially its
promising economic growth and relative military potentials, are being
watched critically and viewed variedly by the US academics in
Three schools of thoughts prevail in the US academia deliberating if
China’s rise is posing threat to the US global interests. First,
realists consider China as a potent threat and consequently advocate a
containment of Chinese relative progress. Secondly, liberals though
consider China as threat but recommend strategizing incorporation of
China in the international system via increased interdependency and
interconnectedness. The third group belonging to the “pre-conditioning”
perspective do not consider the rise of China as threat, rather
perceives its rise as a gain for the US. Contrarily, the Chinese
leadership and intelligentsia have long been recounting their progress
as “peaceful” - longing for a “harmonious world”. This proclamation
merits further inquiry: first, whether the peaceful transitional rise of
China is a valid claim; secondly, accepting that to be valid, will that
help in advancing international peace in the prevailing anarchic world
Analysts believe that states carry out “threat perception” by weighing
their adversaries “capabilities” - what they have - in relation to their
“intentions” - what they want to do. In the contemporary world order,
many nations empirically failed in proving their potentials against the
US uncontested hegemony. Russia, for instance, has been in search of its
identity and renewed role in international relations. The scholars,
however, argue that despite its “intent”, Russia is not “capable” of
threatening the US supremacy. Other states like UK, France or Germany,
are neither willing nor capable to meet the criteria. The case of China
is somewhat different. There is, though, unanimity of consensus on
Chinese capabilities but China has categorically asserted its
unwillingness of joining any race which is detrimental to international
peace and security. Chinese leadership and scholars have consistently
maintained that China’s rise is peaceful and they are content with
maintaining a relative low profile. The outgoing President Hu Jintao has
also strengthened the Chinese pledge by introducing the vision of
“harmonious society”, “harmonious Asia” and “harmonious world” as a
guiding principle for China’s domestic politics and foreign strategy.
This further narrows down our inquiry, concerning prospects of global
peace in the absence of balance of power and China’s wishful philosophy
of harmonious word. It’s rather imperative to evaluate the debate from
both, the realist and liberal paradigm, before reaching to the final
Both the realist and the liberalist schools of thought share the core
assumptions i.e. anarchic nature of the international system and
significance of states as its pre-eminent actors. They also agree on the
emancipation debate that the prevalence of anarchy - in the absence of
any world government, is detrimental to global peace and security but
exponents of both schools of thoughts advocate tangent approaches in
maintaining the world peace.
Liberal scholars like Fukuyama, John Locke, James Rosenau, Richard
Cobden and John Burton, and neo-liberalists as Robert Keohane and Joseph
Nye taking positive view of human nature, believe that the states share
many interests and thus can engage in collaborative and cooperative
activities both domestically and abroad. John Burton in his book - World
Society, depicts the transnational relationship of nation-states as a
cobweb model with numerous converging interests. The realist model of
the world in contrast is like a set of billiard table where states are
depicted as independent and self-contained units. To the question of
international peace, the liberalists following pluralist philosophy
argue that in the world anarchy, peace can be fairly secured by
consolidating democracies, interdependence, globalization and
institutionalization only. At the death of Cold War in 1991, Francis
Fukuyama depicted the moment as “end of the history” and said that the
future global order will only be determined by, “democracy,
globalization and free trade.”
So far so good as regards to the China’s craving of peaceful rise.
However, the liberalists especially the neo-liberalist like Robert
Keohane and Joseph Nye, themselves argue that cooperation among states
is possible if they foster a commonality of interests and concentrate
solely on their “absolute gains” instead of “relative gains”. This point
is rather interesting as it contains a lot of “ifs” and “buts”. The
question arises whether it’s really possible? The contemporary history
of international relations negates this supposition. Hence, the
achievement of global peace in liberalist paradigm seems to be an
elusive reality.
Realists approach towards achievement of global peace in the anarchic
system is unreservedly opposite. War, to realists’ skepticism is always a
possibility in an anarchical system whereas maintenance of balance of
power is the key to guarantee international peace. The leading
contemporary neo-realist thinkers like Kenneth Waltz and Fareed Zakria
believe that bi-polar system is more stable and provide a better
guarantee of peace and security than uni-polar system. It’s also an
empirical fact in international relations that great powers hardly allow
rise of other states in its periphery or other regions. Under such
environment, a leader’s prime responsibility is to defend its national
interests at all costs. State security and sovereignty being the prime
value, statesmen - according to Machiavelli - seek power because a
powerless state is a receptive invitation for aggressors. Hence, a ruler
should simultaneously be a “lion” - symbol of power, and “fox” -
cunning, and even ruthless in performance of their foreign policy
This subjective evaluation of international politics nullifies the
objectivity of China’s dream of harmonious world through its peaceful
flight. Historically speaking the Chinese national character has
remained peaceful and docile in nature - defensive from a realist
perspective. It has never ruled any foreign nation. Rather, China has
been ruled several times by foreigners - e.g. Toba (A.D. 386-534);
Khitan (907-1125); Jurchen (1115-1260); Mongols (1234-1368); and Manchu
(1644-1911) were all foreigners. The construction of Great Wall of China
is also the symbol of their sense of security. It is not meant for the
outsiders but to make their nation feel psychologically safe especially
once they have no aggressive designs for others. Do realists also
consider that China’s proclaimed philosophy of peaceful rise is just
like constructing an additional inner parameter of the Great Wall -
thinking that no outsider shall threaten their and international
sovereignty? It’s worth analyzing!
Furthermore, China shares its land and sea border with as many as 19
countries and has fought wars with five of them in the last century. Due
to the porous nature of its borders and the prevalence of estranged
minority groups in the northern and western borders, the People
Liberation Army requires about 300,000 troops just to police China’s
border. In recent years, China has become embroiled in a series of
disputes over rights to islands and sea-beds in the South China Sea
(Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Brunei) and East China
Sea (Japan). With India over Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh, Japan
over Okinotorishima and Senkaku Islands, Bhutan over Bhutanese enclaves
and Kula Kangri Mountains, South Korea over Socotra rock, Vietnam over
Macclesfield, and Philippine over Scarborough Shoal, will China continue
to pursue an assertive foreign policy or opt compromising its vital
national interests on mere pretext of harmonious world?
In November, 2011 the US magazine Foreign Policy published an article
titled, “America’s Pacific Century” written by the US Secretary of State
Henry Clinton. Using the catch-phrase of “Asia Pivot”, she described a
complete roadmap of the US engagements in Asia Pacific. It is not
inconceivable to foresee which factors have prompted the US to
substantially increase its strategic investments in the Asia Pacific
region. Moreover, in the post-2014 Afghanistan scenario, there is no
pronounced role of China in the regional politics. The proposed “New
Silk Road” initiative is aimed at bypassing China and minimizing its
regional and international influence. These power-maximization maneuvers
are paramount to pushing China against the wall. Will Chinese
leadership react as “lion” and “fox” or remain contented and comfortable
after being cornered? This question requires further deliberations.
One thing is but certain that the normative heart of China’s wishful
desire of peaceful rise guarantees only insecurity and by no means a
“harmonious world”!
By Arshad Mahmood
Thank You For Reading
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