The report says, by hiding the operations from Russian vessels, the United States is using Georgian ports on the Black Sea to deliver military equipment into the region.
Israeli undercover agents acting as technicians and trainers have transferred warplanes using Turkish airspace to Caucasus region: Akhbar Al-Khaleej.
There are unconfirmed reports that the Israeli regime with direct assistance from the United States is massing strike warplanes in Georgia and Azerbaijan for a planned aerial attack against Iranian targets, reported Bahrain daily newspaper Akhbar Al-Khaleej quoting military sources.
According to Akhbar Al-Khaleej Israeli undercover agents acting as technicians and trainers have transferred warplanes using Turkish airspace to Caucasus region. The operation seems to have been partly bugged down when relations between Turkey and Israel deteriorated following the latter’s attack on humanitarian flotilla carrying good to Gaza Strip last month.
The unnamed military sources said Ankara was unaware of Israeli - US transfer of warplanes to Caucasus during their joint exercises. The report says, by hiding the operations from Russian side, the United States is using Georgian ports on the Black Sea to deliver military equipment into the region.
Akhbar Al-Khaleej indicated that Israel had cancelled its initial plan of operating long-distance warplanes for an attack against Iran and it was now contemplating using airbases in Georgia and Azerbaijan for such an eventuality. Also, earlier Iran’s Press TV reported a large contingent of US troops massing near the Iranian border in Azerbaijan.
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