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پیر، 2 اگست، 2010

How India’s RAW provides 5-star facilities to its mafia men in prisons

If raising its mafia wing under the command of Nikhelje Raja aka Chhota Rajan and terming it as its Special Operations Division was not so difficult of India’s premier intelligence agency the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) then providing five star facilities at the prisons to any of its arrested mafia men is also a matter of no problem for RAW, reveals the findings of The Daily Mail.
These finding indicate that When State Home Minister Ramesh Bagwe visited the Arthur Road jail here in Mumbai the other days, he found that one of RAW goons; Abu Salem’s cell even had marble flooring and bathroom facilities. Illustration These findings further indicate Bagwe, after his visit, said that the jail was like a 5-star hotel where all the facilities are available to inmates, especially if they were from the “blessed” underworld. To his shock, Bagwe found that Salem’s cell had marble flooring and bathroom facilities. The cell had a bed, utensils, tiffins and posters of models. Dossa’s cell, Bagwe noticed, had Tiffin boxes as well as enough supplies of fruits to last an inmate 10-12 days.
The Daily Mail’s team spoke to two persons who had recently been released from Arthur Road jail. They too said that if an inmate is a member of the RAW-blessed underworld, he is treated like a guest at a hotel and gets supplies, which are banned inside a jail, delivered to him.
Salim Sheikh, a key member of the Chhota Rajan gang, said that the jail is a ‘guest house’ if a prisoner is affiliated to a gang - but not for ordinary prisoners. Salim, alias Baba was released on bail in May. He was in Arthur Road jail for about two years.
He chuckled, “We were never short of anything in the guest house. We had the best of food. My weight increased by 5 kg during my detention. Sometimes there were skirmishes with members of the rival gangs, such as Yusuf Bachkana. But we never reported that to the jailor or warden.”
“Mobiles are rare because the maintenance cost is very high. Only senior members of the gang can afford them,” he added.
Solkar was released on bail three months ago. He is an informer, but was arrested for a robbery. “Life in jail is no different for a few inmates, especially the blessed -underworld. People like Dossa and Salem have access to whatever they wish,” he said.
He added, “Mobile phone or messages are transported in or out through a person who has a hearing in court. The meeting happens in the court and the exchange is made.”
The Daily Mail’s findings indicate that many cops are aware of what goes on inside the jail, and sometimes, even help them carry stuff inside, despite the metal detectors. Anyone staying here for 14 days gets used to the ‘system’. Chicken biryani is the most ordered dish inside the jail. Sometimes, underworld members even eat together.
These findings further indicate that fresh under-trials are made to do all kinds of odd jobs like cleaning and washing clothes by senior gang members. In return, they get extra food, and most importantly — protection from other inmates.
Sodomy is common. Sometimes new recruits are exchanged for sex or ‘bhade ke gaadi’ as it is known in underworld lingo. Tere gaadi mere paas, actually means handing over a young prisoner to an associate for sex. For their safety, a number of undertrials keep makeshift weapons made out of toothbrushes and blades — the plastic brush is melted and a blade is inserted in the center, which solidifies on cooling.
A furious Bagwe said, “I found that certain prisoners were living in a 5-star hotel-type environment with new marble floorings, posters on the walls, among other luxuries. Dossa too, was enjoying the luxury and even had fruits in his barracks. This is too much. I am going to have surprise checks inside the jail and will see that necessary action is taken.”

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