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پیر، 2 اگست، 2010

India initiates fresh anti-Pakistan drive in IHK

Muhammad Slaeh Zaafir

The Indians have officially initiated a fresh mudslinging campaign against Pakistan by giving deceiving colour to the peaceful movement of Kashmiri people and perpetrating the worst human rights violations in the occupied areas in the wake of recently concluded visit of British Prime Minister David Cameron to India.

His reckless remarks have encouraged India to take on Pakistan. The former British foreign secretary and an expert on international affairs David Milliband has characterized his Premier as ‘foul-mouth’ after his loathsome remarks about Pakistan. It is heartening that Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani reminded his British counterpart while addressing a public meeting in Sargodha in the heart of Punjab on Saturday that it could have been pleasing Pakistan if the British prime minister talked about the human rights violations in occupied Kashmir while he was on the soil of India. Such assertions would have been close to justice if Kashmir had figured in the statement of the British prime minister.

They again targetted Pakistan’s national security institutions, which are engaged in checking India’s gross and criminal involvement in disseminating terror activities in tribal areas and Balochistan adjacent to international border with Afghanistan. Afghan president has once again started dancing on the tunes of Indians and West to blame Pakistan. He was expected to visit Pakistan in the outgoing week but he has to call off the trip. He sought refuge for many years in 80’s and 90’s here and developed links with the US and Western diplomats by sitting here.

The diplomatic observers are of the view that the new campaign of the West, India and its stooge Afghan leader is not out of place. The Nato is bound to pack up from Afghanistan after failing in its designs and in all probabilities return journey would be started from next year. The big country currently engaged in Afghanistan is keen to stay back invisibly and for that it is preparing ground through the campaign that its allies have already launched against Pakistan. They are not expecting any resistance from the top of the political leadership in Pakistan but they are fearful of a role from the valiant Armed Forces of this country and the national security institutions, which have been souring the Indian eyes as well. All the forces, which have been after Pakistan’s solidarity are now in complete synchronization to harm it by any manner. The flunkies of the adversaries of Pakistan, which are well fitted at certain places here, are also in joining hands with their foreign masters, the observers viewed.

In the meanwhile India’s notorious terror sponsoring-cum-intelligence gathering outfit Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) after failing in suppressing nonviolent campaign of Kashmiri people for their freedom in occupied territory has initiated a campaign to malign the struggle.

Interestingly Indian Army Chief and puppet chief minister of the occupied parts of the state have already conceded that no so-called infiltration is taking place from across the line of control (LOC). They have made the statement repeatedly and Pakistan’s foreign minister in his remarks last month has made it clear that Pakistan would treat infiltration as terrorism. With this irresponsible comment he has conceded that freedom fighters are ‘infiltrators.’

The sources pointed out that RAW’s mouthpiece online wire service has reported Saturday that “Violence in Kashmir is back and the Indian Intelligence Bureau’s (IB) inputs suggest that external forces are once again fuelling the violence and that they have no plans of backing down. But this time, there’s a change in the modus operandi. The ISI has specifically instructed the terror groups to target the security personnel by provoking them in the garb of stone-palters so they open fire on innocent civilians.”

Sources in the Intelligence Bureau told the so-called wire service that as per their intercepts, the ISI has specifically told groups such as the Laskhar to step up violence so that the attention of the world turns to Kashmir. There has been a lot of international pressure on these groups of late, and the recent WikiLeaks exposes have linked the ISI with terrorism. The IB says Kashmir is like a safe house for the ISI and whenever it finds itself on the back foot, it uses this issue to divert attention. The ISI feels that a large part of the international community still treats the Kashmir issue sympathetically. The new strategy was evolved after the Pakistan-based groups found it difficult to carry on as the sympathy factor among locals was missing.

The IB says by provoking the security personnel into killing civilians, they hope that the mindset of the locals change completely. Indian IB says the ISI has a well-prepared force in place for Kashmir. The Lashkar comprises not just Pakistani Mujahideen, but also other ethnicities, like Arabs, Sudanese and Palestinians etc numbering 4500. Their job is to keep infiltrating into the Valley and create confusion.

The sources here pointed out that the concocted story has been fabricated just to malign Pakistan and its institutions since there is no reference of any official in it and version of the Indian government is also missing.


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