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پیر، 2 اگست، 2010

Humanity under attack in Kashmir

By Rameez Makhdoomi

The age in which we live can only be characterized as one of barbarism. Our civilization is in the process not only of being militarized, but also being brutalized. Alva Myrdal

Humanity in Kashmir has been brutalized ever since the nation of Kashmir started to fight for its birth right i.e. Right to Self Determination in 1989.The state has used brute force to quell the genuine struggle of masses for achieving a just solution to their dispute. When Kashmiris bid a good bye to guns and adopted peaceful ways of protests, the response from the Indian state has been even more inhumane. Heart-wrenching stories are all alike around Kashmir - mothers wailing over their dead sons or wives mourning over their husbands killed .In the time span of just six weeks, thirty three civilian youth, most of them teenager men and women have been killed by security forces since June 11 . The Killings of innocent civilian and peaceful protestors have become order of the day. Wailing Kashmiri mothers and sisters mourn the acts of the Indian Police and Security Forces almost every day and the images are seen in the print media and in some sections of the satellite television medium.

Yesterday , was no different as bloodshed was visible quiet clearly in every nook and corner of Kashmir as if security forces have license to kill Kashmiri.

Sane voices clearly point out that the choice in Kashmir is not between peace and war, but between no-peace and no-war stalemate. These voices further point out that India’s moratorium on brutalities in Kashmir amounts the Roman peace, eloquently described by the Roman poet Virgil: "You, O Roman, remember to rule the nations with might. This will be your genius�to impose the way of peace, to spare the conquered and crush the proud." India’s policy in Kashmir is “ Heads I win and Tails you lose”.

But, now the anger and resentment among Kashmiris is ever growing, not only in Kashmir, but abroad as well. They have surpassed suffocations to fight for their rights and get rid of this animal life.

No doubt,human rights are crushed.It has also been an established fact that many cases of human rights violation stem from abuse of power under repressive laws and police/army brutality unleashed against the Kashmiri people. They are taken into custody for acts that are legitimized by international human rights standards of free speech, freedom of association and assembly, and freedom of the press. While many arrests are without any legal justification whatsoever, the Indian forces also depend on several laws to justify their acts of human rights violation.

Shamefully,even corpses have been beaten up which is quiet heart rending.From eight year old women toddler to eighty two year grand mother has been raped in Kashmir.But resolve of Kashmiri is very high."Even English speaking women are now part of protest" were the recent words of an Indian channel correspondent

Clealy, the latest cycle of tremendous violence in the troubled valley is a stark reminder that more than six decades after independence of both India and Pakistan, the disputed territory of Kashmir remains as volatile as ever � and the mood on ground zero clearly indicates that that until a permanent solution to the Kashmir crisis is found, normalization of ties between Pakistan and India will not be possible and peace can also be not achieved , until the dispute is solved according to wishes and aspirations of Kashmiri masses. For the time being, humanity in Kashmir is under attack.

Author is freelance Journalist. Email:


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